Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions about the Office of the Valuer-General that have been asked by our clients. If you have a specific question that isn’t addressed below, contact us.

An authorised valuer shall, in the valuation of the subject property for the purposes of section 12(1) (a) of the Act, apply the following criteria and procedures

Current use value– The authorised valuer shall establish the current use value of the subject property as at the valuation date.

Historical Value– The authorised valuer shall establish the historical value of any acquisition benefits and escalate the value of these benefits to the valuation date, using an appropriate cost or price index.

Market value– The authorised valuer shall establish the market value of the subject property as at the valuation date, taking into account any realisable potential and assuming its highest and best use.

Direct state investment and subsidies– The authorised valuer shall establish the value, as at the valuation date, of any direct state investment and subsidy in the acquisition and beneficial capital improvement of the subject property accruing to the owner of the subject property.

Purpose of acquisition-The authorised valuer must, on the basis of instructions received from the instructing authority, record that the purpose of acquisition of the subject property is either in the public interest or for a public purpose, as the case may be.

Procedures and guidelines for the determination of the value of the subject property

The authorised valuer shall determine the value of the subject property for the purposes of section 12(1)(a) of the Act as follows:

Where the immovable property is to be acquired together with movable property, annual crops or growing timber on the subject property that have not yet been harvested as at the date of valuation-

adding the current use value and market value of the subject property as at the date of valuation, and as established in terms of regulation 5, and dividing the resulting figure by two.

(ii) subtracting from the resulting figure the value, as at the date of valuation, of acquisition benefits and the value of direct state investment and subsidy in the acquisition and beneficial capital improvement of the subject property; and

(iii) provided that the value of movable property, annual crops or growing timber on the subject property that have not yet been harvested as at the date of valuation, and as established in terms of Regulation 5, must be added to market value before the division referred to in sub – regulation (i) is performed.

(b) Where the immovable property is to be acquired without movable property, annual crops or growing timber on the subject property that have not yet been harvested as at the date of valuation-

(i) adding the current use value and market value of the subject property as at the date of valuation, and as established in terms of regulation 5, and dividing the resulting figure by two.

(ii) subtracting from the resulting figure the value, as at the date of valuation, of acquisition benefits and the value of direct state investment and subsidy in the acquisition and beneficial capital improvement of the subject property; and

(iii) provided that the value of movable property, annual crops or growing timber on the subject property that have not yet been harvested as at the date of valuation, and as established in terms of Regulation 5, must be subtracted from current use value before the division referred to in sub -regulation (i) is performed.

Registration as a Candidate Valuer

To commence the registration process as a Candidate Valuer submit a completed application along with the requisite fee. To register as a Candidate Valuer, you need to be registered with the relevant tertiary institution for an accredited Valuation programme, at least three subjects ( SACPVP accredits their own Valuation programmes), an application form must be completed and forwarded to the Council with the necessary documents. For more information regarding other documents to be submitted please send an email to

Registration as a Professional Associated Valuer

A candidate must submit his / her application form together with the record of experience in the valuation work to apply for the admission examination to become a Professional Associated Valuer. Proof of qualifications (graduation certificate) in Valuation proof of attendance for the Practical Work school are pre-requisites for applying for the admission examination. For more information regarding what documents are needed for applying, please send an email to

Registration as a Professional Valuer

For a Professional Associated Valuer to become a Professional Valuer, he / she must have acquired sufficient experience to qualify to write an admission examination for Professional Valuers. To apply for the Council admission examination, you must at least be registered with the Council for a minimum period of three years. a registered person must have a recognises four-year degree in order to be able to apply for the Professional Valuer examination.

The individual appointed as Valuer-General in terms of section 8 or acting as such.

As per section 5 of the PVA –

The Office of the Valuer-General— (a) is a juristic person with full legal capacity and is subject to this Act; (b) must be impartial and must exercise the powers and perform the functions of office without fear, favour or prejudice; and (c) is accountable to the Minister.

OVG functions as stated in section 6 of the PVA –

6. The Office of the Valuer-General—

(a) must value any property contemplated in section 12(1)(a);

(b) may, at the request of a department, value property contemplated in section 12(1)(b);

(c) must make recommendations to the Minister regarding the— (i) criteria for the determination of the value of property contemplated in section 12(1)(a); (ii) procedures and guidelines, excluding the method of valuation for the valuation of properties, the manner in which a valuation must be performed and any other relevant factors; and (iii) system to monitor compliance with the criteria and procedures contemplated in subparagraphs (i) and (ii); and

(d) must determine the matters that must be reflected in a valuation report contemplated in section 15.

Property Valuation Act no 17 of 2014.

Praetor Forum Building, 267 Lillian Ngoyi Street, Pretoria Central, South Africa, 0001

The OVG, in terms of section 5(c)of the PVA, is accountable to the Minister of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development.

It is stated in the PVA under Section 12. (1) that whenever a property has been identified for—

(a) purposes of land reform that property must be valued by the Office of the Valuer-General for purposes of determining the value of the property having regard to the prescribed criteria procedures and guidelines; or

(b) acquisition or disposal by a department, for any reason other than that mentioned in paragraph (a), the market value of such property may, at the request of a department, be determined by the Office of the Valuer-General.

Office of the Valuer-General.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions